my hubby bike

Monday, January 11, 2010

Custom Search

Khasiat minyak kelapa Dara..

Sebotol hanya RM 17.00 sahaja tidak termasuk kos penghantaran...sila hubungi 019-3735304... mimi untuk tempahan..

Pohon kelapa telah dijadikan Tuhan begitu hebat dengan pelbagai fungsi untuk manusia. Setiap bahagian pohon kelapa mempunyai pelbagai kegunaan dari makanan, penjagaan kecantikan hingga kepada perubatan turun temurun. Pohon kelapa telah diiktiraf sebagai suatu pohon yang paling rapat dengan kehidupan manusia seharian.

Sungguhpun demikian, suatu bahagian pohon kelapa seolah-olah dipinggirkan kerana dikhuatirkan membawa mudarat kepada kesihatan manusia. Ianya adalah minyak kelapa. Ini menimbulkan kehairanan bagaimana suatu pohon yang tuhan jadikan begitu mesra guna untuk manusia tetapi minyak nya dikatakan membawa kesan negatif pula.

Jadi apakah sebenarnya minyak kelapa dara? Minyak kelapa dara adalah minyak kelapa yang diproses tanpa penggunaan haba atau kimia di mana struktur asal dalamannya dapat dikekalkan seasli-aslinya. Berbanding dengan minyak kelapa biasa di mana haba dan kimia digunakan sewaktu memproses yang mengakibatkan struktur asal dalamannya berubah membawa kepada kemudaratan apabila manusia memakannya. Selama 40 tahun kempen dan kajian Negara Barat yang menentang penggunaan minyak kelapa secara meluas sebenarnya adalah ditujukan kepada minyak kelapa biasa yang menggunakan haba dan kimia ketika diproses dan bukannya minyak kelapa dara. Minyak kelapa dara sebenarnya amat sukar dicari dipasaran kerana prosesnya yang rumit dan sukar diproses secara komersil dan besar-besaran.

Pada tahun 1966, seorang penyelidik yang merupakan professor farmakologi dari Universiti Michigan telah membuat suatu penemuan besar yang mencungkil rahsia alam yang disimpan oleh minyak kelapa dara. Beliau mendapati bahawa minyak kelapa dara berupaya membunuh virus, bakteria, kulat dan parasit. Cuba anda bayangkan betapa besarnya makna penemuan ini kerana dengan bersifat anti virus, bakteria, kulat dan parasit, minyak kelapa dara berupaya melawan atau menyembuh pelbagai penyakit.

Melihatkan kekuatan sifat minyak kelapa dara, pakar-pakar barat terus mencari kesan-kesan seterusnya yang boleh dilakukan oleh minyak kelapa dara ke atas pelbagai penyakit. Sekiranya berjaya, sudah pasti minyak kelapa dara di anggap sebagai kejadian tuhan yang paling bermakna untuk manusia sejagat.

Kajian-kajian dekad seterusnya telah mendapati bahawa minyak kelapa dara memberi pelbagai kesan positif seperti berikut:

1 - Melegakan pernafasan – mencairkan kahak dan membersihkan laluan pernafasan dan kerongkong

2 - Melawaskan pembuangan air besar dan kecil – menyelesaikan masalah sembelit dan kencing tidak lawas serta membuang toksn melalui najis.

3 - Meningkatkan kadar metabolisma pada seluruh sel tubuh – Minyak kelapa dara akan diserap terus sebagai komponen tenaga dalam badan – badan anda akan terasa lebih bertenaga

4 - Di dalam usus kecil dan besar ia memusnah organisma perosak, seperti virus, bakteria, kulat dan protozoa (cacing). Dengan nya penghadaman mencapai tahap maksimum.

5 - Mengurangkan keadaan mudah lapar – bila penghadaman mencapai tahap maksima tubuh mendapat lebih khasiat dan tenaga.

6 - Oleh itu berat badan terkawal – tidak perlu makan banyak dan kerap

7 - Mengurangkan kandungan lemak badan – berat badan turun mengikut kesesuaian tubuh badan seseorang.

8 - Tidak mudah mendapat jangkitan penyakit – dengan bertambah kuatnya sistem kekebalan tubuh.

9 - Mengurangkan kelekitan platelet darah – kelekitan platelet adalah faktor penyumbang kepada pembentukan plak pada saluran darah.

10- Mengurangkan risiko serangan sakit jantung dan darah tinggi – mengelakkan terbentuknya plak pada saluran darah terutama saluran yang berhubungan dengan jantung.

11- Mempercepat pengantian sel-sel mati dengan yang baru – mengembalikan keanjalan, kelembutan dan kehalusan kulit.

Kesan Jangka Panjang Pengambilan Minyak Kelapa Dara Pada Tubuh.

1 - Mengurangkan kadar kolestrol – ia sendiri tidak mengandungi kolesterol. Oleh itu ia adalah alternatif terbaik bagi minyak-minyak lain yang mengandungi kandungan kolesterol yang tinggi

2 - Mengawal kencing manis - pankrease lebih efisien mengeluarkan insulin sementara sel bekerja lebih cekap mengambil gula darah keperluannya.

3 - Mengatasi masalah penyakit degeneratif dan masalah usia umur lanjut - anti oksida semulajadi dalam minyak kelapa dara adalah penghambat pembentukan radikal bebas.

4 - Tidak meningkatkan paras kelekitan platelet dalam darah – mengatasi pembentukan plak pada pembuluh darah yang menjadi anatara faktor punca serangan jantung.

5 - Tubuh lebih tahan serangan penyakit kerana memiliki agen anti virus, anti bakteria, anti fungus dan anti protozoa.

6 - Mendapatkan kembali keanjalan, kelembutan kulit – ia mempercepat pergantian sel-sel kulit yang mati dengan sel yang baru, selain melindungi dari sinaran ultra violet.

7 - Pertumbuhan rambut lebih baik dan kelemumur akan hilang – sel rambut akan mendapat tenaga dan zat yang mencukupi untuk pertumbuhan maksima.

8 - Terhindar dari gejala alahan – minyak kelapa dara bertindak sebagai agen anti histamine.

9 - Mengelakkan risiko sakit kanser – minyak kelapa dara memusnahkan sebarang kehadiran organisma pathogen. Dengan itu sel darah putih mampu bertindak secara maksima memusnahkan sel kanser, kerana ia tidak terbeban menghadapi organisma pathogen.

10- Keadaan berdengkur akan hilang – kerana saluran pernafasan dan anak tekak akan kembali anjal dan elastik hasil kewujudan sel-sel baru padanya.

"Oleh itu bagi kaum muslimin yang berpuasa, sedangkan mereka perlu aktif bekerja pada siangnya dan inginkan masa lebih untuk beribadat pada malam harinya, sangat digalakkan untuk menjadikan Minyak Kelapa Dara sebagai sebahagian dari menu berbuka puasa dan juga menu bersahur mereka agar mereka cukup tenaga dan punya daya tahan serta mampu sentiasa aktif."

Nota : Minyak Kelapa Dara adalah tergolong dalama Medium Change Fatty Asid (MCFA=Asid Lemak Rantai Sedang)

Mengamalkan Softgel Minyak Kelapa Dara Muslimah Shop, Menambah Tenaga dan Menyimpannya Lebih Lama.

Makan makanan yang mengandungi MCFA seperti menggunakan bahan bakar oktan tinggi sebagai bahan bakar kenderaan. Kenderaan akan lebih laju dan lancar serta mampu mencapai jarak kilometer yang lebih jauh. Begitulah, dengan MCFA, tubuh dapat bergerak lebih baik kerana mempunyai lebih banyak tenaga dan daya tahan yang lebih besar. Ini kerana MCFA disalurkan secara lansung ke dalam hati dan diubah menjadi tenaga, tubuh mendapatkan tambahan tenaga. Oleh kerana MCFA dengan mudah dapat diserap oleh organ sel penghasil tenaga, maka metabolisme akan meningkat. Peningkatan energi ini mempunyai pengaruh perangsangan pada seluruh tubuh.

Fakta bahawa MCFA dicerna secara lansung untuk menghasilkan tenaga dan merangsang metabolisme telah mendorong para atlit untuk menggunakannya sebagai bahan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan tenaga semasa latihan. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan melalui kajian terhadap daya tahan fizikal tikus yang di beri MCFA pada makanan harian dibanding dengan tikus yang tidak di beri MCFA. Kajian ini dilanjutkan sehingga lebih dari enam minggu. Tikus didorongkan pada ujian daya tahan renang setiap dua hari. Ditempatkan pada satu takungan air dengan arus yang tetap. Waktu berenang sebenar sehingga ia keletihan diukur. Didapati pada pertama kalinya hanya ada sedikit perbedaan diantara tikus yang diberi makan MCFA dengan yang tidak diberi MCFA. Hari-hari berikutnya mendapati bahawa tikus yang diberi MCFA mulai mengungguli tikus lainnya dan semakin lebih baik di sepanjang waktu ujian.

Ujian ini seperti mendemontrasikan bahawa MCFA mempunyai kemampuan meningkatkan daya tahan dan penampilan latihan, setidak-tidaknya pada tikus.

Satu kajian (analisa) lainnya dengan menggunakan subjek penelitian manusia mengikut asas penelitian pada haiwan di atas. Dalam penelitian ini di libatkan atlit berbasikal. Para atlit tersebut dikehendaki minum salah satu dan tiga minuman iaitu (1) larutan MCFA, (2) minuman olah raga atau (3) kombinasi minuman olah raga dengan MCFA. Mereka diminta mengayuh basikal mereka pada 70% kepantasan maksimalnya selama dua jam. Pada akhir ujian mereka mendapati bahwa atlit berbasikal yang meminum campuran minuman olah raga dengan MCFA berpenampilan paling baik dalam ujian masa.

MCFA Minyak Kelapa Dara Mampu Mengawal dan Menyimpan Glikogen

Para pengkaji berpendapat bahawa MCFA memberi sumber tenaga tambahan kepada atlit, jadi mengeluarkan simpanan glikogen iaitu tenaga yang disimpan di dalam jaringan otot, akan habis digunakan selama pengendaraan tiga jam. Semakin banyak glikogen ada di dalam otot semakin besar daya tahan atlit. Maka zat apa saja yang boleh menyimpan glikogen pada saat memberikan tenaga akan bermanfaat untuk daya tahan atlit. Dalam satu kajian lanjutan untuk menguji teori pengeluaran glikogen, para peserta berbasikal pada 60 kekuatan maksimalnya selama 3 jam dengan meminum salah satu minuman yang diberikan pada kajian sebelumnya. Dengan mengikuti latihan, kadar glikogen otot diukur dan terbukti sama untuk ketiga atlitnya. Kesimpulannya adalah MCFA tidak mengeluarkan simpanan glikogen, namun benar-benar memperbaiki prestasi. Perbaikan dalam penggunaan tidak berhubungan dengan pengeluaran glikogen dan harus dihubungkan denagn satu mekanisme lainnya.

Hasil dari kajian ini dan lain-lain kajian mendapati miuman olah raga dan minuman tenaga yang di jual dipasaran juga diperkaya dengan MCFA untuk memberikan sumber tenaga yang cepat. MCFA yang paling sering digunakan pada minuman olah raga dan minuman tenaga berada dalam bentuk minyak medium-chain triglycerides (minyak MCT). Ia biasanya diindikasikan sebagai “MCT” pada label pembungkusannya. Sehingga kini para atlit dan orang yang sentiasa aktif mencari kaedah nutrisi, bukan ubat untuk menigkatkan prestasi para atalit mulai mencari dan menggunakan MCFA yang mudah didapati dari Minyak Kelapa Dara.

Mudah difahami kenapa para atlit tertarik untuk mendapatkan daya tahan dan tenaga yang lebih besar, namun bagaimaan dengan golongan bukan atlit ?. Sebenarnya MCFA boleh melakukan hal yang sama. Kalau dimakan secara teratur, MCFA mampu memberikan peningkatan pada tenaga dan daya aktiviti sehari-hari.

Selain itu disamping menambah kadar tenaga, ada manfaat lain yang sangat penting bagi yang sentiasa mengambil Minyak Kelapa Dara dalam pemakanan mereka, iaitu peningkatan angka metabolik yang konsekuensinya akan membantu melindungi dari penyakit dan mempercepat penyembuhan. Hal ini kerana pada saat metabolisma ditingkatkan, sel akan berfungsi lebih efisien. Dalam hal mereka yang terluka, keadaan ini membantu menyembuhkan luka mereka lebih cepat, sel lama dan sel yang kena penyakit diganti lebih cepat dan sel muda di kembangkan dengan cepat untuk menggantikan sel yang usang. Hasilnya sistem kekebalan tubuh akan berfungsi lebih baik.

Beberapa gangguan kesihatan seperti kegemukan, sakit jantung dan osterosklerosis lebih mudah terjadi pada orang yang mempunyai metabolisma rendah. Kondisi kesihatan akan lebih buruk kalau angka metabolisma lebih rendah dibanding metabolisma normal, kerana sel tidak mampu menyembuhkan dan memperbaiki dirinya secara cepat. Maka peningkatan angka metabolisma, memberikan peningkatan perlindungan dari penyakit degeneratif dan penyakit menular, ringkasnya, Minyak Kelapa Dara mampu mengatasi masalah berikut:

1. meningkat dan memperbaiki sistem pertahanan badan
2. meningkat kadar metabolisma badan
3. anti virus, bakteria, kulat dan parasit yang semulajadi
4. anti oxida semulajadi
5. meningkat fungsi kelenjar tairoid
6. melindungi kesan sinaran ultra violet dalam cahaya matahari
7. tidak meningkatkan kepekatan atau platelet darah
8. meningkat penghadaman dan penyerapan khasiat makanan
9. berupaya menurunkan berat badan
10. meningkat pertumbuhan sel kulit, rambut dan badan manusia
11. membekal sumber tenaga dengan cepat
12. melembab dan melembutkan kulit
13. mengurangkan kesan penuaan dan kedutan pada kulit
14. mengurangkan kesan keracunan makanan
15. membakar dan mengurangkan kolesterol dalam badan
16. menggalakkan pertumbuhan rambut yang sihat
17. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan penyakit jantung
18. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan darah tinggi
19. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan kencing manis
20. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan demam
21. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan batuk biasa
22. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan batuk kering
23. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan selsema dan resdung
24. mengurangkan risiko dan kesan demam campak dan cacar air
posted by hamba at 5:44 PM 0 comments

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Custom Search


Search Term:

posted by hamba at 2:18 AM 0 comments

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Custom Search


posted by hamba at 11:15 PM 0 comments

Custom Search


hakimi photo in mood happy

posted by hamba at 11:14 PM 0 comments

Friday, October 23, 2009

Custom Search

Triumph Rocket III Touring

STILL the biggest-engined mass-produced motorcycle on the market, the Rocket 111 now comes in three guises. Joining the standard and Classic versions is this one, the Touring. Modified, as its name suggests, to cover ground with some comfort and practicality, the Triumph is one almighty bike with an ability to turn the heads of both bikers and those who’ve never ridden.

My first journey on it underlined what the Rocket is suited to best of all. The hundred mile unchartered trip I made on it, discovering some new routes in the counties of Gloucestershire and Wiltshire was an extremely pleasurable and relaxing experience. Made all the more enjoyable by dry roads and a 25°C ambient temperature, the stroll through the countryside along deserted back routes was a scenario the Triumph felt right at home in. And thanks to its hugely torquey engine and unexpectedly good handling it’s nowhere near as challenging to ride as you’d think.

Considerations always need to be made to the cruiser’s size and weight and you constantly need to assess situations before you fully commit to them. But as time goes by, you’ll be surprised more and more by what can be achieved.

Something very easily summoned by the massive 2.3litre three-cylinder engine is extra speed. Tuned for slightly less power, but more torque on this version of the Rocket, as you’d expect from such a potent powerplant there’s always some impressive acceleration available. But it’s the relaxed and very friendly way that the mph gains are produced that’s all the more remarkable. Choosing the right gear or rpm level somehow seems to be an irrelevant requirement to going faster. As long as the throttle can be twisted then the job can be done.

The five gears it has are widely spaced with a high overall ratio. With the truck-like torque the motor has, pulling such tall gears is never a challenge with just small gains in rpm producing larger increases in mph. It’s hard to believe that there are things like pistons and con-rods moving up and down cylinders. All that sort of stuff would appear to be far too mechanically vulgar such is the easy, unhurried way the engine performance is produced. At times it feels more like some sort of nuclear reactor than internal combustion engine. Whenever a situation arises where more pace is instantly required the Triumph is fantastically obedient, and knowing that stuff like overtaking is going to be executed in a swift and safe manner gives the bike an even more laid-back character. Guaranteed achievement is always a nice thing to depend on.

A bit less straightforward is the way the Rocket’s chassis deals with life on the road. Of course it very much depends on the sort of environment you’re faced with as to how well it copes. On my summer evening’s run away from the traffic and urban hazards the most challenges were met easily. I think it helps that I’ve been riding motorcycles for a long time now, and being especially familiar with the standard version of the bike has assisted too. So as long as you are forward thinking enough, and know how to read things before they become too difficult to manage, you won’t have problems. It’s a bike that needs to flow with some consistency and not one that can react quickly enough to sudden demands of either speed or direction changes.

Suspension and braking performance is easily good enough to cope with the Triumph’s performance generally. But when a riding situation is more unpredictable and not all the changes are easy to predict, then you’ve got to ride with a bit more in hand. Allowing for the fact that stopping or steering round hazards (even with its much skinnier 180-section rear tyre, compared to the standard bike’s 240) takes time is an essential thing to realise on this bike. It’s a highly capable bit of kit, especially when you bear in mind just what sort of machine it is. But you can’t ask it to do the impossible, so riding through congested towns and cities needs plenty of care and attention.

Attention is something the big chromed cruiser is never short of. Quite apart from its ability to dwarf the majority of other bikes, the tall craggy black-finished engine offset by lots of Harley-aping chrome, extra lights and crash bars, catches the eye of plenty. And so it should. The British bike had lots of sheer presence, enough to either make people silent or slack jawed at the immensity of it all. More often, it encourages plenty to interrogate you and make petrol station fill ups last at least double the amount of time they should.

Thanks to the healthy tank size of just under five gallons, the digital ‘miles to fill’ reading on the tank-mounted instruments will register between 175-250miles depending on how hard you push the Rocket. If you intend to stay in the seat for a while there’s good news in that it’s sumptuous enough to allow the fuel stop to be the next time you’ll need to refresh yourself in any way. And with the quickly detachable screen giving total wind protection the risk of tiring is virtually non existent. With enough luggage capacity to cater for time away from home, as a tourer the bike ticks enough boxes, even if the hard and lockable panniers are too slim to hold a helmet. The only other thing to be critical of regarding mile-eating is the height and width of the bars, which in my case at least, put my arms at a slightly unnatural position. And though it never actually caused me any problems, I wonder if they would if I spent all day on a motorway essentially locked in the same position.

I’m not sure if that would be a wise thing to do on any bike mind you. And if the rich pleasure I got from my evening ride in the countryside was anything to go by, then long straight and monotonous routes like that should be avoided. Experiencing the best the Triumph has to offer isn’t something that should be missed.

For a motorcycle insurance quote for the Triumph Rocket or any Triumph, simply visit or call 0844 888 8575. Triumph motorcycle insurance is a strength of CIA Insurance as it is an expert in Triumph bike insurance for riders of all types.




Type: 2294cc, liquid-cooled, twelve-valve, flat triple

Maximum power: 106bhp @ 5400rpm

Maximum torque: 154lb/ft @ 2000rpm

Transmission: 5-speed

Final Drive: shaft


Frame: tubular steel double cradle

Suspension: Front: 43mm telescopic forks, no adjustment

Rear: twin shocks, adjustable preload

Brakes: Front: twin 320mm discs with four-piston calipers

Rear: single 316mm disc with twin-piston caliper

Wheels/Tyres: Front: 150/80-16

Rear: 180/70-16


Seat height: 730mm

Wheelbase: 1705mm

Dry weight: 358kg

posted by hamba at 12:47 AM 0 comments

Custom Search

Vintage Triumph Motorcyles Are A Real Piece Of Motorcycle History!

Where were you in 1967? Still in high school, Nam, or straddling a Triumph Motorcycle? Even before that point in time, Triumph Motorcycles was synonymous with distinguishing characteristic, power, looks with motorcycle production whose designs were second to none.

Today they haven't lost that touch and if you desire they are still producing a rocket between your legs. The inspiration and manufacturing fascination that gave birth to the iconic Triumph Bonneville, the motorcycle to end all motorcycles of the wild 60’s has designed the eye-catching Rocket III and the instantly recognizable, unmistakable Speed Triple.

From day one, the soul of Triumph's beliefs has always been a solid pledge to designing and producing truly only one of its kind motorcycles that combine stunning, distinguishing looks, but also blow your socks off performance. Triumph motorcycles has always provided that special experience by engineering motorcycles that combine a immense riding experience blended by a well-balanced, straightforward perfect handling chassis mounted with a strong muscular, supple get behind me engines. With this winning combination, it results in an inspirational line of motorcycles combining intelligent design with unbelievable performance.

When occasionally my mind works, I can remember from the 60's the status of Triumph as being a hold on to your britches bike. I can still see vividly in my eye's mind, this scrawny dude with this mammoth Triumph having to scramble up on his seat and then jump down on the kick start because he didn't have sufficient strength to transport the engine to life. I was amused at this funny site but when that Triumph fired up, the hilarity turned toward envy because he owned a Triumph and I did not.

The Triumph Bonneville was announced as the end of all end motorcycles when it was introduced. To own a Bonneville meant you were predestined to never owning another motorcycle again. The reputation was very well earned. A few years later out Triumph introduce the Norton and guess what, you needed it, and no you had to have it. So much for being predestined!

Triumph motorcycles are rich in history. They supported the war effort during the big WWI and WWII. Their bikes were made famous during the war times. Remember all the war movies that had a soldier riding a motorcycle? Chances are, it was probably a Triumph. Once the war was over, the former field soldiers in England and America wanted to own one of these impressive machines.

Today, the rebirth of Triumph has been completed. Without a doubt, it has remained true to it roots. The production of the exhilarating Triumph Cruiser such as the Rocket III gets the adrenaline pumping just taking the time to see one in person. As soon as you see it, that little voice is calling "I gotta have one of these". The Triumph Bonneville has not been retired and still is strikingly cool. Once your eyes see the Triumph Speed Triple, there remains no doubt that Triumph is back. Just sitting still, this design marvel is telling you "I am a rocket, proceed with caution". Aren't you glad that some old things can change and still revolve into something better?

posted by hamba at 12:45 AM 0 comments

Monday, October 5, 2009

Custom Search


James Lansdowne Norton, the father of the company, began the story in 1898 with a factory that made cycle chains in Birmingham, UK, but by 1902 he was importing engines from Switzerland and France to create his own motorcycles, and success followed quickly with a Norton ridden by Rem Fowler winning the twin-cylinder class at the first Isle of Man TT race. This was the start of Norton's long lasting love affair with racing, which didn't end until the 1960's. The prize that everyone coveted was the 'Isle of Man Senior TT''; a race that Norton's went on to win ever year from 1947 to 1954 to add to their ten titles claimed between the wars. Norton built their own side-valve, single engine in 1908, which served them well until the 1950's.

However, after a solid start, the business saw a downturn and faced extinction, only to be saved by R.T.Shelley & Company who created Norton Motors. James Norton became a director of the company, but sadly died at the young age of 56 in 1925, but not before he saw his motorbikes win the Isle of Man TT Senior and Sidecar categories in 1924. Walter Moore designed the CS1 engine in 1927, but left the company for NSU in 1930, leaving Arthur Carroll to come up with a completely new OHC engine which was to become the bedrock of future OHC and DOHC singles. Norton had been buying Sturmey Archer gearboxes and clutches, but when the company discontinued production in 1934, Norton purchased the design rights and asked Burman, a gearbox manufacturing company, to pick up the reins.

After the Second World War, Norton needed to pick up production, so began introducing more models, with the Norton Dominator 500 appearing in 1949. However, the marque's mastery in racing was being challenged by AJS (who won the first World Championship) and multi-cylinder Italian models. In that premier World Championship year, Norton only managed fifth place. In 1950, the McCandless brothers of Belfast developed the 'Featherbed' frame, which shot Norton back to the top again. The Dominator took on the 'Featherbed' frame in 1951 and success on the race track transferred to the public sector, but despite this, Norton found itself in financial difficulties and in 1953 was purchased by Associated Motorcycles, who also owned AJS and Matchless. Sadly the factory in Birmingham closed in 1962 when production was moved to Woolwich in London. A silver lining to this development manifested itself in the shape of a new, better version of the Norton gearbox which was used on all of the larger models under the AMC banner and in 1955, the Dominator 99, powered by a 600cc engine, was added to the catalogue.

By 1960, a new version of the 'Featherbed' had arrived on the scene which accommodated shorter riders. The altered upper frame rails made the bike slimmer and reduced the width between the rider's knees. This frame was to become known as the 'Slimline' and the original, the 'Wideline'. In 1961, a 650cc Manxman was offered to the American market and a year later the Norton 650SS and Atlas 750 were introduced in Britain.

The Japanese invasion in the 1960's hit Norton, hard, along with the rest of the British motorcycle industry, leading to the failure of AMC in 1966. The fledgling company of 'Norton-Villiers grew from the ashes, and the famous Commando resulted in 1969, which proved to be the most powerful and best handling British motorcycle of the day. A choice of dual or single carburettors was offered along with the style of choice, including Scrambler, Street Model or a Tourer which was badged as the 'Interstate'. Electric start became available in 1974, but despite these improvements, the company once again fell into decline and went into liquidation in 1975. In 1972 BSA was also struggling, and in order to secure government help, was forced to merge with Norton-Villiers to form the Norton-Villiers-Triumph company. The 'Triumph' name came from BSA's Triumph subsidiary. Moving of production to BSA's Smallheath site caused industrial unrest at Triumph's Coventry factory. The workers at Triumph finally created a co-operative and went on alone. 1974 saw the release of the 828 Roadster, but the company was in dire straits and by 1975 was only producing two models.

The 80's and 90's was an unsettled time for the company, with ownership changing hands several times, both in the USA and Britain, but was purchased in 2008 after 15 years of US ownership, by British businessman Stuart Garner, so the marque that carried Che Guevara on his South American adventure lives on.
posted by hamba at 9:10 PM 0 comments